Frozen or Warm Heart


BIG (blog) Winter Heart

I am sitting in front of my warm fireplace this early morning.  It is yet another cold, dark day with chilly -20 temperatures.  My mind and body has been busy reflecting.

  • I want my heart to be open this year, to feel and give love. 
  • I want to give 110% to my family (even if I am tired and cranky). 
  • I want to make silly frozen hearts with my daughter & son, (actually they look really cool). 
  • I want to do more and be more.

Yesterday I heard my parent’s neighbour died suddenly.  A man 60 years old, playing hockey on a Sunday night, took a shower, and fell down and that was it.  I didn’t know this man very well.  But he always had a friendly smile and I am told was a loving husband and father.  “How could that be, I just waved to him several weeks ago”.  I thought of his poor family left to carry on without him.  I guess we always feel shocked when someone we know, whether they are close or not passes.  I think it is our little “wake-up” call, which we all  sometimes need to kick it into high gear!

Last night I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep.  Maybe it was too much coffee, or yet another  late night.  I have become a night owl of sorts, which makes me mad as I  was never one to stay up so late.  I was trying to settle down, close my eyes  and count my sheep.  Suddenly I could feel my heart pounding so deeply, I got a little scared.  I said a little prayer to myself.  “Please give me more time!”  Having had my kids late in life, I thought of all the things I still want to do with them.  I want to stop fussing over the little unimportant things, (like the messy house or the burnt toast), and just spend more quality time with family and friends. 

I guess it was my “wake-up call of sorts”.   I thought of my parents neighbour who was ready to retire, just built a little hobby shop and had a new grand baby.   He walked out like  every other Sunday to play a  game of hockey.  Did he kiss his wife and hug his kids that night or did he simply walk out thinking he had some more time…….

This weekend I am going to make some frozen hearts with my Meaghan and Noah…. maybe we will will even jazz them up with some  funky food colouring.  My heart will be warm, even though it will be cold and snowy.  I hope you can take some time and build your frozen hearts soon. 

Talk soon ~







Gratitude & Love XOXO





We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th – we celebrate LOVE.   I must admit I am not always cheery and full of love 365 days of the year.   On those days when all is not going well and I want to just pull the covers over my head and stay in bed.  I must remember to be grateful! 

 Melodie Beattie wrote:

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity… It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

This is one of the nicest thoughts on gratitude I have heard; I wanted to share it with you, as I think it is a state of being and can be achieved.  I know when the business of life gathers around us, it can certainly be hard to practice this gratitude.  But it is there for all of us to grasp and hold if we want it. 

Wikipedia lists the benefits of gratitude as well:

“Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships.  A large body of recent work has suggested people who are more grateful have higher levels of well being.  Grateful people also have higher levels of control over their environments, personal growth, purpose if life and self-acceptance.

I try to keep a gratitude journal and write in it on occasion.   I hope to write in it more often, after researching all of the wonderful benefits.    Here is what my list looks like today.  I encourage you to try your own list, and reap the rewards of this simple practice in your daily living.

 Nancy’s Gratitude List

  • Meaghan & Noah (my kids)
  • My Dog, having a nice walk with the “old boy”
  • Enjoying some “Nancy time” watching (Mad Men).
  • Reading my Book
  • My Family / Friends
  • My “Matt”
  • My Health
  • Warm Home
  • My Paperwhites
  • Feeling love for myself, and people in my life today

 I think I will send my sweetie and kiddlets a gratitude list of all the things I  am grateful for.  I am going to make them big fancy red heart cards using my daughter’s construction paper and decorate it with glitter, hearts and fancy lace!  (Shhh.. it is a secret, don’t tell them).  As we celebrate the month of love one of my goals is to try and practice more gratitude in my life today.  I think it starts with self-love first and then flows into giving and receiving more love to my family and friends.  I am so grateful for all the blessings in my life today and hope you will be have a wonderful month filled with love, kindness and gratitude, (Oh…. and maybe a “Heart shaped Box of Chocolates).


Talk soon ~









Becoming a Mompreneur!



“We gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face….. We must do that which we think we cannot!” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


You are a Mom dreaming of starting your own business!  Congratulations …. and welcome to the world of self-employment!  Women make up a large percent of new business’s in Canada.  Perhaps like me you were 9 months pregnant and ready to go on a maternity leave,  your world was about to change.  You were told while on your last week of work in the “corporate world” that your company didn’t receive their funding and the contract would not be renewed.  Like so many people today you now find yourself unemployed.

What is a girl to do?  Well she re-invents herself of course.  Moms are wonderful at the act of multi-tasking, organizing and reinventing the wheel.  These are great skills necessary when you are becoming the person you have always dreamed you could be!  You are now in the new unknown territory of starting your new business.   I remember my business advisor Valerie giving me some sage advice.  She said, “Starting your own business is like having a baby”.  Well I could understand that analogy.  It is full of the unknown’s and also the highs and lows, but you would never want to give it up. 

I have always had the entrepreneurial spirit in me; I sold Avon at an early age.  I think I was 9 or 10 years old, when I  saw the Ad in the newspaper, “looking for Avon Lady in your area”.  My Mom told me the Avon lady called and came to our house just to meet me.  She told me I was the youngest Avon lady she had ever met!   I do remember in my later teens, selling Avon.  I took the plunge and ordered my sales kit and I  was in business.  I remember selling my products to my boyfriend at the time. He purchased the newest “man spray”,  just so I would make my quota for the month.

Ok so you are out of work, have a great business idea and maybe not a lot of money.  Now what?  Pull up your socks, say a few prayers and go for it.  Yes I say go for it, what have you got to lose?  Fear stops many people, from even getting to the  first step of taking the plunge of self-employement.  I guess it helps to have a passion, if you do all the better.  If not I suggest maybe it will grow on you. 

A business plan is great, supportive people, a niche market, confidence, some business savvy, and networking.  If you don’t have all of these, don’t worry you can “fake it till you make it”.  All of these skills can be learned too.  These sound like a lot of things in the beginning but I promise you, it will turn out.  If you just click your red shoes, you might just get your first sale.  Soon you will be getting so many sales you will have to hire your first staff member.

So put that idea into action.  Dig deep inside youself and utilize all those great resources available to women starting their own business’s.  There are business community centre’s, government funded programs, libaries, and networking groups just to name a few.

Don’t be afraid and surround yourself with positive, supportive people.  Who know’s you might find yourself creating the best life ever, and juggling the babies with the bacon!


Talk Soon ~









Oh ….those Sunday Drives!

1940s 1950s kids children vintage photograph black and white s&s4

Ok kids get ready we are getting ready to go on a nice drive today – we are going on a “Sunday Drive”. Do you remember those days you would all get into the car and just go for a road trip. I remember one time when I was little maybe 4 or 5 years old. My parents and I did just that we where going for a family drive. Remembering the car like it was yesterday, it was a big old grey Oldsmobile. It was soooo big I remember one time my family drove home from Florida in the car and the back seats where huge,  my brother actually slept (or farted) the whole way home in the wheel well of the car. Yep – that is right no seat belt, just lied in the back of the seat on the floor letting those little toots all along the way I-75.

Another family car road trip memory is falling out of the car. Yes you heard it right, I fell out of the car. I guess as memory serves we were on a another family car trip and I was playing with all the electronics (the power windows/locks) and guess what the door flew open and bang I hit the pavement (unscathed) except they didn’t notice I was gone. I remember looking up and they were driving away. My Mom told me “We knew you fell out of the car, we were only at an intersection and we stopped right away!”. That is not how I remembered it, I remember running up the hill yelling and waving my hands – “Hey don’t leave me here – you forgot me”, I am sure there where some crocodile tears too, and maybe a few bruised knees to go along with the bruised ego.

I wonder if that would that happen today – with the fancy car seats and the all the safety devices on the modern automobiles.   I am sure if a child fell out of the car today, the modern gadgets would simply alert the driver to stop immediately and perhaps a notification would sound “child has evacuated the seat, please pick child up at next stop.”   My brother would always joke with me about my falling out of the car scenerio, “well I guess that explains what happened to you!”.  

Since today is Sunday I guess I should round the kiddlets up and go for a drive to visit Grandma.  We are so lucky to have her in our lives.   She is 95 years old and has a very sharp mind,  and still lives in her home today. I will bet she has some great stories of her many Sunday drives and more!  Did I mention this is her son & daughter in the picture, (just kidding – but the rest of the story is true).  

Talk soon ~


MAN Flu Vs. MOM Flu



Tis the season when everyone it seems is sneezing, coughing and holding hands or hugging each other. With all the preparation and decking the halls of family and friends gatherings, it is no wonder Mom is sick. Yes I said it, Mom is Sick! I know she is not allowed to get sick and if she is, it is “as per usual kinda of day.” The dinners need to be cooked, the house needs cleaned, the kids need entertained (did I mention they are off on holidays), and already bored.

Why is when the “Man Flu” hits, everything revolves around him. His aches are the worst, he is in bed for days at a time, I guess the “man flu” must be worse than the “Mom Flu”. I tell you it has not been nice this season, maybe you are shivering like me while I write this or sipping a hot lemony drink or popping yet another aspirin. I feel for you. Why is it when we are sick we just want “our Moms”. “Mom where are you?” …. I need some chicken noodle soup, tucked in and please read me a bed time story.

Well I must go now, Dad is lying down resting trying to get better. The kids and I are going outside for a walk today, being it is now a balmy 2 degrees. It is nicer than the -20c coming this week. Snowpants, hats, coats and boots are on. I hope this fresh air will help clear some of these lingering germs. I sure don’t want them to catch the “mom cold or the the man flu”, (I would be sick any day of the week, than my little kiddlets). Ok kids take your vitamins and drink your orange juice before we head outside, and be sure to bundle up. Stay Healthy everyone!

Talk soon ~


What does your New Year’s Fortune say?




Fortune (For-Tune) n

1. The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; luck.
2. A person’s standing in the financial, affected by material possessions or financial wealth
3. Often fortunate, a people that is favourable or unfavourable events.
4. Fate, destiny.


I am not a huge fan of Chinese food but on occasion I do like to order a dinner for 4 or the number 604. My favourite part of the meal is opening my fortune cookie at the end. I always like to remind the person picking up the food, if it is take-out to get enough fortune cookies for everyone. I mean really who doesn’t like to indulge in this fun little game of snapping them open to reveal your destiny.

I always like to tuck my latest fortune in my wallet and carry it around.  I giggled when I saw I really did have a fortune in my wallet and was still carrying it.  It is crumbled and worn, but here is what it says. “Don’t worry about money. The best things in life are free. 16, 19, 23, 29, 34, 43 (I guess these are my lucky numbers on the bottom). Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket with those lucky numbers. This is a good fortune to receive for a girl like me has recently begun her own business. I better go put this back in my wallet before I loose it, (it might bring me luck!).

Did I mention my little people, Meg & Noah love for me to read their fortune’s. “Mommy… mommy what does my fortune say”. I reply, “clean your room and be a good boy and girl to your Mommy”.  I tell them this even if it says, “Work will be better tomorrow, cheery smile at your coworkers goes long way!”.

As 2013 is nearing an end and we have a new year ahead of us I have been thinking on the good fortune that has bestowed me this past year.  And like my fortune stated not all monetary.  As this is a time to pause and reflect I was thinking the year ahead could be thought of as a blank canvas. What colours will you use to paint and create the life you want?  I am going to use more reds,purples and golds.  Lately I am giving the notion of “positive thinking” some more thought. I love Norman Vincent Peale’s famous quote; “You are what you think”. I have read recently in one of his books, the importance of “Believing and Creating” are paramount for success.

This is a time of year for much reflection on the things which have come an gone, and we wonder what the year ahead will bring to us. Will your year be filled with “Good Fortune”? If you think it will, so be it! I hope it will and if you need to see it in print for reassurance, why not order some Chinese food and ask for some extra fortune cookies.

My wish for this year ahead is that it will be a postive year, filled with possiblities just waiting to be created. But first we have to believe before we create. Or is it first we create and then we believe? Here is my recipe for ‘Golden Good Fortune Cookies”. Don’t worry you can make it later,  you will find the time this year.



Golden Good Fortune Cookies


1 pound of Lucky Pennies
1 1/2 cups of Friendship
2 spoons of Hope
1 cup of Fresh Abundance
3 Teaspoons of Hugs & Kisses
Pinch of Kindness

Stir the Good Fortune Batter in a big mixing bowl, remember to make a wish before you put it in the oven. Fold each piece together – leave space for good fortune. Check often to make sure it is golden brown on top – sprinkle some love on top, tuck in Good Fortune. Serve to family and friends.



Talk soon ~



It is a Wonderful Life!


“Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel’s just got his wings.”

This is one of my favourite Holiday Movies. “It’s a wonderful life, (1946) “. It doesn’t matter how many times I watch this movie it brings tears to my eyes. I am sure I am not alone in this. James Stewart plays George Bailey in the movie. It is a bittersweet tale of George who feels like a failure financially, becomes depressed with his state of affairs and is contemplating suicide on Christmas Eve. He wishes he was never born. Clarence, who plays his angel in the movie tries to teach him lessons and show him what life would be like without him.

This time of year can evoke such emotions in us. We often think of those loved ones who have departed, family members who may be ill or those ongoing family rifts. There are such expectations for this time of year. Often we expect everyone to be happy and merry in our gatherings. I guess it would make things a lot merrier if we could just all get along. My hope for the holiday season is to try to lower my expectations of others.

I really pondered the meaning of Christmas this past Monday morning, while waiting with my 7 year old daughter for her bus. She said “Mom is Santa a real person”?” I replied “Of course he is real, but he has magical powers; kind of like a superhero”. Her next question was “Well why do we have Christmas”? I then replied “Well we celebrate Christmas so we can all be together, like a party”. She said “Well why are we having a party”? I then told Meaghan “it is like a birthday party because we are celebrating the birthday of ‘Baby Jesus”. She then replied “Well who is Baby Jesus”. Well I am sure there would be more questions but the bus pulled up and picked up my little Meg’s and off she went. I went in the house poured myself yet another coffee and thought much about those questions which came from the “mouth of babes.”

I do love this season, not just for the gift giving but for the true meaning of Christmas. To me it seems the world is just a little kinder this time of year. We all seem to be a little more generous with our fellow man. Many of us try to help out those less fortunate. There just seems to be a spirit which seems to flow more in the air than other times of the year. Perhaps it makes those cold winter days and nights a little warmer,brighter with the lights flickering, the stocking hung, the logs in the fire.

I hope you will have many happy times with your family and friends and celebrate the magic of the season which is upon us. You just have to believe. Do you believe? I love the end of the movie when George Bailey despite all his adversities realizes all he has and declares “It is a wonderful life!”

Clarence: “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many lives, when he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he”?

Talk soon ~


Who would you Label as your Superhero?


: A fictional character who has amazing powers (such as the ability to fly).
: A very heroic person

Several weekends ago I watched Spiderman for the first time with my kiddlets. They loved it! They were giggling and cheering on Spiderman when the villains where upon him. I must admit I have never been a big fan of  Spiderman, however since watching this film thru the eyes of my kids, my thoughts  have changed. I am now a big fan. Peter Parker who played Spiderman in the 2012 film was just an ordinary young high school man trying to find his way. He was not the most popular but that all changed once he found his superpowers he could do anything he put his mind to.

I have always been someone who has looked out for the underdog. To me this movie was the epiphany of the ordinary who became the extraordinary. I loved it! I loved how my kiddlets just had such respect for this great force. Hopefully they could see too that anything is possible with hard work, determination and a few super powers.

Growing up my favorite superhero was Bionic Women. I remember coming home from school and flipping the channels till she came on. She was so beautiful and strong. She had this amazing ability to jump huge walls and could use her bionic powers whenever she needed them. How cool is that?

This month a real superpower captured many of our hearts as he walked the streets of San Francisco. A 5 year old Boy, named Miles celebrated the end of his cancer. In remission from his ongoing battle with Leukemia he has had since he was one year old. He was the “Bat Kid for a Day!”  With the help of the Children’s Wish Foundation he proudly walked with his father the streets of “Gotham City Wonderland”. He donned his batman cape and soared to great heights that day.

This life can be hard enough at times. Who would you label your superhero (s)? If you don’t have one I encourage to look around they might be closer than you think.

Talk soon ~

The High’s & Low’s of Motherhood


Hello –

I am reflecting on my day today. The kiddlets and I “hung” out with Grandma. We went touring around enjoying the nice weather for November. We decided to include a little shopping outing. My little 3 year old man was pretty tired after playing in the park and didn’t have his regular afternoon nap. I could tell as we where driving around when those little eyelids closed he needed a little shut eye. Well 10 minutes later his eyes peeked open and he was ready to go shopping with Big Sis and Grandma. We decided to wait in the vehicle as I could see that look in his eyes he wasn’t ready to be on his best behaviour. After waiting a long while for Grandma we decided that we would go in. He did promise, (pinky promise) to me “he would be a good boy” and that he would sit in the cart.

Off we went looking for them, we thought we would cruise on over to the checkout area to scout them out in the big store. What did we see first, the Biggest of Big Trucks perched high on a glass shelving unit. God bless the store clerk who after I gave her a wink, agreed with Mom that we were not allowed to play with it in the store and that it was just for us to add to the list for Santa. Mr. Noah took 2 steps and started a full out tantrum, on the floor screaming, crying and not a happy camper. Well we finally did see my daughter with Grandma their cart full of holiday items, saying “did you find what you were looking for?” I don’t think they really saw us, they were in the full Christmas decoration shopping mode; sparkly deers, nutcrackers, and wreaths. Noah was now leaning and pouting on yet another glass shelf, I thought leave now or else.

I won the “Mom of the year award again!” I decided to carry him out of the store, kicking and screaming. I felt quite a few stares and wished I could have practiced the 1,2,3 method a little better today. I must admit I felt like melting and wished Mumma had more patience than she did today, I too just wanted to throw a tantrum of my own.

I chose to write about the highs and lows of motherhood. I put my little guy to bed tonight, held those little sweet hands, cuddled him and said to him “We will try again tomorrow and do better”. He said to me “Yes Mumma I will do better tomorrow!”. I love that little man, more than I could ever imagine or describe. I don’t know what I would ever do without those 2 little kiddlets of mine. So tomorrow I will do better!

Talk to you soon ~


At the end of the day ~ would I have been labelled a “Kind Person?”


KINDNESS: The quality or state of being warm hearted, considerate, loving and sympathatic. 1. The quality or state of being kind. 2. An instance of kind behaviour.


We all have 24 hours in our day; we choose our thoughts, our actions, our words, in that time. Some of us have more flexiblity or freedom in our days. My day goes smoother when I choose to be kinder to myself and others around me. What is kindness, is it an action, a feeling a word?

This month marked “Random Acts of Kindness Day”. What did you choose to do on that day? For me it represented much reflection on “how kind am I to others?”. Being human I am not always kind to others or myself. When I have had a bad day, and my expectations have not been met or I have had an arguement with my spouse or family member, it is difficult to act kindly. When my basic needs have not been met, when I haven’t had enough sleep or haven’t ate properly I am not “a happy camper.” I have found that I must look after myself first before I can help others around me. It is imperative for me to try and find a balance. I feel this starts with showing loving kindness to myself first.

November 11th is Remembrance Day. It is a day to reflect on the many brave men and women who have given their lives to help us have a better life. Thank you for giving me a life of freedom and choices today. I am truly grateful to live in such a wonderful Country! I reflect on what our world would be like if we could be kinder to each other, would it be different? It seems so many wars and discord in our world are a result of opposing thoughts on religion and politics. I leave you with the below quote on kindness.

“My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.”

~ Dalai Lama



May I be filled with lovingkindness
May I be safe from inner and outer dangers
May I be well in body and mind
May I be at ease and happy

Talk soon ~


What does a School House have to do with Labels?

vintage school2

I love this picture as it makes me reflect upon school days gone by. Did I mention to you I live in an old schoolhouse. Our house is well over 150 years old. When we first walked thru the house I could feel the good vibes in the home. Sometimes I think I can hear the chuckles of those young kids playing ball outside. I am not sure if you believe in energies around us? One night I was up late, as usual in the shop getting some of our label packages out. I could definitely feel the presence of spirits gone past. It was as if I wasn’t alone in the room. Did I mention it was the first week of school as well.

I remember my early school days being carefree and joyful. I associate many good memories with my younger school years. I still remember the Kindergarten room with Mrs. Watson, she was so beautiful. We had the most amazing “play” helicopter in the room. We played in the kitchen making lunches and dinners. I remember those little wooden cubby holes where my blanket was and those wonderful story times. Now that I am writing this I remember looking at that wall, high above and seeing my name on top of the huge shoe pictures with the real laces. It would be mine when I first learned to tie my shoes.

Childhood memories can be such a wonderful thing aren’t they? Well since it is past midnight I think I must lay my head down to sleep and dream of those carefree days with the wind blowing while I played hopscotch with my giggling school friends.

What a lucky girl I am to live in such a great historical place today. I hope the many souls which have gone to school here have shared their stories and great memories with their loved ones.

Sweet Dreams……………………………

Talk soon


Secretly I would love to be labeled an “Artist!”


“True Art is characterized by the irresistible urge in the creative
artist” – Albert Einstein

This month we talk about art and technology.
First, I will reflect upon Art. I love it ! There – I said it. I have
been told I’m an artistic person as I love to create. Some of my
hobbies include pottery, encaustic and my new passion writing and
blogging. Having recently had some unexpected surgery, I was very
dismayed at having to cancel a one week encaustic course I had signed up
for several months ago at a local Elora studio. My doctor advised me a
week of bed rest. How does a mother of 2 kids who runs a household and
a new business lie down for a week ? Well in little bits here & there.

I was envisioning a luxurious week of pretending I was an “artist
working in the studio” as an escape from reality. I had participated
in such an event years ago and thought it one of the best things I’d
ever done. I’ve dabbled in the above encaustic and pottery and I would
love to live solely to create beautiful art that touches both the mind
and the soul. Secretly I would love to be labeled an “Artist” and
wonder what it would be like to have my pieces greatly sought after ?
Yet even now I am deeply attached to the few pieces I’ve created and am
not sure I could detach myself from them. My brother was once an
owner/operator of two fine art galleries – he had a talent of dealing
with the artist and knew how to successfully market and sell their wares
– a talented wheeler-dealer. So I’ve had the the opportunity to meet
quite a few talented artists along the way. I believe most artists may
share the paradoxical mind set of the above described detachment from
their pieces.

And Technology – unlike most people in this civilized world I recently
upgraded to my first fancyphone – as I like to call them – it came in
the mail a few weeks ago. How on earth will I learn to operate it is
yet another matter. I must say I love browsing the internet on
occasion, but to watch people walking across the street and texting – I
just don’t understand what is so important ? OMG I cannot believe how
cell phones are everywhere (guess I’m old school). I do have a cell
phone but ok, I admit I have have never ever texted in my life. What’s
a girl to do ? I need some training from my cousin’s son, who is 14,
he knows more about these smart phones than me. Is it a smart phone ?
Well it is smart looking for sure. Speaking of phones, my parents are
really old school. They were at the bank the other day and the teller
asked them for their email and they replied “we don’t have an email”, so
she asked for their cell phone number, they replied “we don’t have a
cell phone”. So she finally asked them if she could leave a message on
their home phone if she needed to. Well, you guessed it – “we don’t
have an answering machine” was my mothers reply. As she says, “we have
call display so I don’t need an answering machine !”.

I have a love / hate relationship with technology. I run an online
Label business which is hard to believe, given my technologically
challenged ways. This has been a “year of learning” for this girl. I
am finding I really like learning about this online business of mine and
about web sites, search engine optimization, Google analytics, PayPal,
E-checkes, Facebook, Social Media marketing and oh yes- labels too.
This last year has been one in which I’ve received a tremendous amount
of support and encouragement. My previous business advisor, Valerie,
at the Guelph Business Enterprise Centre told me starting a business is
really like having a baby. Since I am a new mother of 2 small children
that analogy really hit home. I can see how you need to have patience
as you enter new territory. You will have ups & downs, you will want to
reach under the covers and never come out, you will have amazing days
and wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. Oh I guess this is just like
riding the waves of life – it is what you make it.
Perhaps when I have some spare time again I will set up my own little art studio, turn the music
on and lose myself in creation. We all need to start with a dream !
What are you going to create today ?

Allergy Labels “Mom I might be allergic to people!”


I was sitting on the couch after dinner tonight having a good cuddle with my daughter who is seven years old, when all of a sudden she sneezed. She said “Mom I have been sneezing a lot today. Mom I am worried I might be allergic to people!” I said Meg I know how you feel. I thought how sweet and precious the things that come out of the mouth of babes.

Like most people, my week has been filled with ups & downs. Sometimes things are going smoothly and other days you think “Why did I wake up & is it time for bed yet!”. My schedule has had a big change this week. I have been spending more time with my “little man” who usually has daycare. This is wonderful however a 3 year has a lot more energy than a 40 something year old Mom. Especially on those nights when she is busy printing labels and tending to other household chores. Well this week my little muffin & I went to the new accessibility park in Fergus. It is amazing what a community working together can do. I highly recommend a visit if you haven’t been yet. We went on a Monday morning when there wasn’t a lot of kids and Mom was running after her little guy and I thought to myself “OK this girl needs to get in shape”, if I am going to keep up the pace.

I don’t recommend you buy those little mini Halloween chocolate bars and have them in close proximity. Last time I looked the box was empty. Luckily I did decide to purchase some veggies today while cruising the grocery isle with the little guy. He has been an absolute angel this week. He usually has tantrums at various places, (like the grocery store). I must say he has been on his best behaviour, even when he played soccer today he played nice with all the kids and gave them a “high-five”. He is a an amazing little boy and real cutie-pie, Ok I guess I am a Proud Mumma! I guess our time together will bond us closer. You can’t get much closer then when he was clinging both of his little arms around my neck this morning. He said “he was too scared to play soccer with the other kids.” I wonder if he felt he might be allergic to people today too? I didn’t notice any sneezing.

I just heard a great “John Tesh” quote on the radio. “Kids with the most affectionate parents handle the stresses of life best!” So give those little kiddlets ……….2 kisses & 2 hugs and enjoy your quiet time while they are dreaming of their day! And remember tomorrow is another day!

Talk to you soon ~


Back to School Next Week ….Wait I still need Labels …..Cat in the Hat!


Hello Again ~

We live in the Country and this time of year the corn is so high I cannot see my neighbours! We joked when I was pregnant with my daughter that she will be born when the corn comes. We just celebrated her birthday last week. She is officially 7 years old. All grown up now, (even if she pouts and cries when Grampa cracked open the Pinata at her party). She is going into grade 2, OMG how does it happen so fast. One minute your rocking your babe in your arms and the next they are heading off to University. Well I guess I have a bit to go – maybe in the blink of an eye – is the expression.

This time of year I always reminisce about the many firsts. I think about all those kids going back to school, maybe the first year of Kindergarten. Oh my gosh that will be “my Noah” next year joining his “Big Sis” on the school bus. I just cannot imagine those little legs climbing the bus for the first time – and then the door shuts and that is it – they are gone forever. Don’t you know that is my baby? Ok I guess I have a year to prepare – but it will go fast I know. I am not sure I will be prepared??? What about those kids entering their first day of highschool trying to find the elevator? Or those kids moving into residence at University or College and going to their first Toga party.

The Fall always seem to bring back the feelings of “New possiblities”. I find myself wanting to sign up for a new course, buy a new outfit and sharpen my pencils. I always like to buy the new sheets of paper you find at the drug stores for back to school for .12 for 500 sheets, I think I still have some from last year. The new binders will be purchased, well I guess my daughter in grade 2 doesn’t really need binders just yet, but I think I will pick up a few in case? School clothes will be picked out for the first day. I remember my mother always taking the photos of my brother & I with our frowns on the first day of school. Oh the memories…… What was my mother thinking of those outfits she dressed us in, the airplane shirt my brother wore one year and that White Blouse with all the frills and the big bow and the hairdos.

I remember driving behind the bus when my daughter first went to school and peeking in the parking lot watching her get off the bus and she just waved and kept marching into “her new world”. I guess we as parents need to let go and let them fly.

Our Label Machine as been going full tilt this month – so don’t worry if you think you have left it too late to order labels for school. We have been getting out orders really quickly for all the school kiddlets. I still remember ordering my first labels as per a suggestion from one of the Mom’s from my Baby group for “My Meg” and wondering “why do I need these?” I now understand as it really does help to bring her stuff home. Garry our bus driver hands us her hat or a sweater she left says “where you looking for that Meg!” Little did I know I would be “burning the midnight oil” getting labels out to all those new Mom’s & Dad’s putting their “Meg’s” on the bus for the first time……….. Life is funny isn’t it? You just never know what is around the corner. Oh wait is that my “Meg’s Bus? I have to go now & get her off the bus and hear all about her first day of school!”.



Today is your day.
You’re off to great places!
You’re off & away!


And will you Succeed?
Yes! You will Indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)
Kid, you move moutains!
So …. be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray Mordecai, Ale Van Allen O’Shea
You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So get on your way.

By Dr. Seuss ~

Talk to you soon ~


If I order Labels – will they arrive for Back to School?


Hello –

I opened my email today and someone had asked me when ordering their labels. “Will the Labels arrive for Back to School?” Wow how did it end up to be just a couple of weeks away from school, why does the summer always seem to go so fast and the fall just sneaks up on us? To answer the question yes you can still order your labels and they will arrive before the “Back to School” official date September 3, 2013. Is it just me or does it seem early this year that the kiddlets head back to the classroom?

Visiting with my parents yesterday my mother let me know the CNE offically opens this week. What – wait we are not ready for that yet, we haven’t had enough of summer yet. I need to go to the beach some more and just enjoy some more sunshine. Well I guess with the Label Machine going full tilt this week and my daughter going to camp and having to making lunchs in the morning it does feel like summer is fading.

I have had some unexpected minor surgery and health issues this past week and the doctor said “Ok you just need to lay down for one week and rest!” – I looked at her and said “Don’t you know I have things to do, and I have labels to make and blah – blah – blah”. I am taking her advice and am writing this in the warmth of my duvet covering me in my bed (following orders – but will shortly be getting up to attend to the business of labels). Ok Doc. once the labels are done I will go back to bed. How is a women looking after children, husband, house, business supposed to just lie down for a week. Well I guess I thank my “Lucky Stars” for help and support when I need it. Thanks to my daycare provider Amanda (she is our angel) – she is an amazing lady! How she does it I’ll never know? She is the most patient and loving person with our children. What a blessing to drop the kiddlets off and have no worries. I am so grateful for her and I don’t Thank her enough!

My daughter is attending the most Awesome Camp this week at the Wellington County Museum and Archives. If you get a chance to enrol your kids I highly recommend it. Libby & Ruth “thank you” for providing an amazing week of education, crafts and adventure to my “Meg” and her “Buddy Paisley” this week. They had a barn dance yesterday, made a quilt, pickles and jam and today are learning about baking? Such an amazing experience for a soon to be 7 year old. Her birthday is in a couple of weeks and we are planning a little party. Hey want to come – the more the merrier…….. it is a Riverside Park this year!

Thanks to my “Matt” who has put up my moaning and groaning this week and is helping me out in the Label Shop – he is my Hero – “Thank you I couldn’t do it without you!”. You have been such a support for me this week and are my bestfriend (mmmm.. most days! – that is another story).

So I hope you enjoy those last few weeks of summer everyone the weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend and next week. So sneak a few minutes, hours or days and hang on to those last tidbits of summer time fun! I am not even going to worry about the construction crew outside our door this morning digging up our driveway and the house shaking or the dust in or outside the house because it a sunny beautiful day out there!

If you looking to order your labels you still have lots of time. We can still ship them the last week before school you should receive them in time ……… “Or if you are like me who leaves things to the last minute” – you can always order your labels in the Fall!

Talk to you soon~


My 6 Year Old Daughter “Labelled an Adult!”


Yesterday my girlfriend and her 2 grandchildren took a roadtrip with the kiddlets to a Theme Park Close to home. We had a great day on the rides and they enjoyed all of the “hollywood feeling of the Park”. “My daughter who is 6 is Labelled an Adult!”. Yes that is right – she is 6 years old, but a “Tall 6 year old”. We pre-purchased the tickets and they asked was she over 48″ tall. Well we had measured her the night before to see “How tall my beautiful girl is”. She measured in at 50″ tall. So I had to purchase and Adult ticket for my 6 Year Old Daughter to be admitted into the Park.

Well in talking to others about this subject they said “oh my gosh – how terrible and Oh my gosh – That is not right”. Having reflected on this matter I thought of others who might feel the same. What about kids flying who have to pay a full adult price? Yes they are still considered “small babes” in our eyes but not in the airline companies eyes. They are sitting in a seat – so they must pay full price. This year we took the kids to another Larger Amusement Park in Orlando (some of you may know it). Since my son was not sitting on our lap he was charged the full rate for the “Big Little person” he is. I feel badly for the people who travelled with us on the same plane, as travelling with a 2 year old on a plane is another story. He was everywhere but in his “assigned seat”. I don’t even want to think about as it brings back some “not so pleasant memories for the Fam”.

Back to yesterday at the amusement park. The weather didn’t forecast any rain. We should always trust in the weather forecast. However the weather had other ideas on our day at the park. My friend said before we left, “Hey should I bring an umbrella”, of course I said “No we will not need it”. I must say a Zehrs Bag does come in handy as a “makeshift” coat for a small little boy. “Who said plastic bags are not safe?”.

We knew it was time to go when my little Zehrs Bag boy decided to have a “melt down at the mountain / fallsview area where Mom let him down for a little moment to fully give in to his “meltdown moment”. What a sight as he crawled back to Mom with big alligator tears and his clothes where wet from jumping in the puddles. It was nice the crowds of people had let him “do his thing” and gave him space – maybe they thought he was part of a show. I really felt like I had won the “mother of the year award”, as people where starring at me and this little man – Hah!! This moment in time is now imprinted in me forever, our little “wonderland moment”.

I was putting my daughter to sleep tonight and she said “Mom what Land are we going to next?”. I said what do you mean? She said well we went to Canada’s Wonderland, Disney Land, – What about Marine Land? I thought mmm.. I said to her I think it was Disney World not Disney Land. So she said ‘Well what other world’s can we go to?” And than I had a great thought for the next trip “Wally World………… Who wants to go with us? I am sure we could create some great memories……………

I think I learned a lesson yesterday … I promise to teach my daughter to STAND TALL-REACH HIGH- & DREAM BIG!

Talk to you soon ~


Don’t forget to Label those “RainBoots”


Hello Everyone –

Yes you are reading the title right “Don’t forget to Label the RainBoots” – Yes it is July 10th today! How is that we need to be reminded to Label the rainboots in the middle of summer? Is it the middle of summer – July the month of sitting on the beach soaking up the rays. We have waited all year for this. Well maybe we are soaking up all of the puddles…… Yesterday Toronto had the most rain ever recorded and the pictures of this town just an hour away from us where unbelievable. There where people literally jumping out of their cars to escape being swept away in the mass flooding. (Mississauga, ON this doesn’t happen so close to home, it is always somewhere else. Tonight we are on a severe thunderstorm watch.

Although the forecast was Rain most of the day, we did see some sunny skies today which was lovely! My garden is doing really well this year, my pumpkins are looking awesome, well there are no pumpkins yet, but some lovely flowers that are supposed to magically turn into a pumpkin. Every year I try to grow pumpkins and I did get a few last year)… I will post some photos this year and maybe write a little story about my pumpkin patch (well pumpkins in pots) and the “best ever pumpkins?” I planted some Giant Ones too (so excited). Last year my “Giant Pumpkin was about the size of an average pie pumpkin but I was still thrilled. I am thinking this year I might even have to borrow Mom’s recipe for crust and get baking some pumpkin pies, or maybe set up a road side stand and sell my pumpkins because I will have so many. Ok maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself, and lets not think about pumpkins just yet.

My son said Mommy “there is the sun!” – as if he had forgot what it looked like. Well we are Canadian (EH!), weather being the big topic of conversation at the Local Coffee shops while picking up our lattes and donuts. This coming weekend the weather prediction is 27 and SUNNY – WOOT, WOOT! I am running to the Beach, I’ll save you a spot if you buy the ice-cream. Enjoy those sunny skies and I hope that Mr. Sunshine will shine its rays for the “Best Summer Ever!” So go find a Beach, some shades and leave those rainboots at home.

I will leave you with this last thought on the weather thus far …………………………………….

“I know it is Wet
And The Sun is Not Sunny.
But We Can Have
Lots of Good Fun That is Funny!”
~ Cat in the Hat

Talk to you soon ~


Labelled “Senior Mother” ….. “look after yourself – no one else will!”


My first article was published this past month in Powerful Women Magazine, (page 4/5 – Summer Edition). “Wow what a thrill it was to be selected and to have it published!” I thought I would provide you a copy of it for my Blog Post (I hope you enjoy).

Look after yourself – no one else will!

“Momma, let me take a bite out of that Marshmallow Sky!” ~ My 3 year old son Noah.

This little gem of a quote came out of my son Noah a couple of weeks ago, while we drove to the grocery store. I had to stop the vehicle and write it down as I didn’t want to forget it. I’m a mother of two young energentic children. Meaghan, six and Noah who is three. These two little kid-lets are my reason for trying to stay healthy and happy so I can be the best Mom I can be for them. I’m a “senior mother” labelled by my friend who is my age. Our daughters are in the same Grade One class (we both giggle at each other when we use this term, as we sip our lattes after our Friday yoga class). My grandmother and I share having children later in life – her last two babies are in their fifties and my grandmother just turned 95 years old this week. Okay enough about numbers (you do the math) – hah!!!

My Grandma is one of my role models and still lives on her own with the help of her family. She was doing yoga well into her seventies, takes minimal medication and is the “Scrabble queen!” I started yoga this past year at an amazing studio in Fergus and adore my teacher Miranda – she has the voice of an angel. One of her favorite poses is Down-ward-dog. I must admit I really don’t like it much. Hopefully it will “grow on me”. My favorite is the meditation at the end of the class. I leave the class feeling a little more alive and renewed. Ohmmmmm…. I think I’ll keep going to yoga. My other excercise is walking with my favourite buddy Irish, my dog. He is about fifteen years old and, like me , he is a little arthritic and doesn’t always want to go for his walk, but we always feel better after!

I love the quote by Teilhard de Chardin. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” I believe we must look after our mind, body and spirit to be healthy. I try to be positive when I can and find reading and meditating on a quote or piece of prose helps me stay centred when my day goes “crazy with life events.” When I get into a funk, a gratitude list really helps me shift my thinking to a more positive vibe.

Summer is my favourite season; I love the warm weather and one of my passions is spending time by the water. Luckily my family shares the same love – we spend many hours on the boat in the warmth of the sun. We swim, soak in the rays and build sandcastles. There is just something about the water that calms, heals and restores my mind, body and spirit.

I feel spirit is all around us. In the eyes of a child, it could be the rustling of leaves in the wind or the whisper of those gone before us that comforts our soul. As women, we are many things to many people. We are mothers, wives, daughters, employees, employers… the list is endless. My mother’s sage advice that has really stuck with me is. “If you don’t look after yourself, no one else will!” Remember to carve out some time in they busyness of life to connect with your inner and outer self so you can be the “best you can be for you and those around you!” Dig deep and find out what stirs your soul and remember to eat a few marshmallows along the way!

Namaste and have a great summer with your friends and family.

~ talk soon Nancy

Potty Time … Party Time … & Stickers


It is “Potty Time” at our house … Yes that is right “Party Time – (I mean Potty Time). We are officially out of Diapers (Ok – well we still use them at night, or long car rides.) – we have not fully graduated. My little 3 year old bundle of Joy is so happy to announce “He has to POO or PEE!” (grocery stores, doctors offices, you name it he is not afraid to let the world know. You would think he would receive glaring glances – oh no he is too cute, most people just chuckle, grin and give him a “thumbs up!”

He likes to use the washroom on his own, always with an annoucement “Mom I have to go the washroom and don’t come in OK”. Eventually Mom comes to the rescue…… usually it is when we need to use the plunger because it seems like their is a river in our house. Oh no it is just Noah using yet another roll of toilet tissue. The money we are saving on diapers finds its way to the toilet tissue section (hah!) His favorite undies are the blue airplane one’s grandma bought him. His first official pair of underwear was a real milestone in our house that day.

Big sister Meg was really proud too. She has encouraged him and provided him with his own set of airplane stickers. Time has passed and it has been a couple of months since he has joined the “Big Boys Club!”. Now I cruise quickly by the Diaper aisle in the grocery store and smile thinking I will book a family trip to Cuba with all the diaper savings. Hey something seems to be kinda wet, I look down thinking oh no maybe we should have had a bathroom break first. It is just my little man spitting on his hand and giggling and announcing to everyone “Look at me Momma”). Mmmm…. Maybe it is time to pick up some more wipes, we have not outgrown those treasures yet. Just imagine all the germs on those little hands. Where have those hands been today ….. wonders germaphobe Mom. More smiles from the passerbys – yes he is super cute (I think we will keep him).

Talk to you soon,


Labels for Motherhood


“A mother is a person who seeing there only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie!” ~ Tennava Jordon

Does anyone remember watching “Leave it Beaver” – Or am I dating myself? I posted this picture of June Cleaver on my face book page today – being that it is Mother’s Day 2013. June Cleaver is the ICONIC Mother – god bless her! My daughter is sitting on the couch next to me and I kinda mumble to her “hey don’t get that playdough on the couch!” – (ok maybe I kinda of barked it). I don’t think June would have Toy Story 2 on the TV playing with her laptop on her knee feeling like she should “blog” about Mother’s Day??? No not my June Clever she wouldn’t have the TV on – nor would she allow the kiddlets to have playdough on the couch – she would probably be baking a cake with the kids or prepare a loving lunch for the kiddlets. MMM… it is almost noon I am thinking chicken nuggets after the movie is over…. OK I guess I will not win the “Mother of the Year Award!” –

Well since my Title of the Blog is “Labels for Motherhood”…. What crazy weather we have had this past week – My daughter has been wearing some of her new summer clothes this week with the temperature at 27 some we have had for most of the week. I quickly stuck a label on my daughters new hat as she was rushing out to catch the morning bus. (It makes me think she will remember to bring it home with her). Well Maybe I shouldn’t have put those winter coats away just yet – (It was just hailing and it is a chilly 6 out today) – but the sun is shining.

So I just glanced over and guess what play dough all over the floor – so what does a mother do – start sweeping – my daughter said “Hey Mom – give me that broom it is Mother’s Day – Kids are supposed to help their Mom on Mother’s Day!”

So I better go – get that play dough cleaned up and get those chicken nuggets going – mmmmm… maybe it is a grilled cheese kinda day! We have decided to bake some “Betty Crocker Muffins with a “Duncan Hines Frosting” ( I think June would approve. Thank you Meg & Noah for letting Mom sleep in today and for the lovely home made gifts you made me – they are my treasures. Mumma loves the flowers too. (thanks Dad).

Happy Mother’s Day everyone – Enjoy your day!

Talk soon ~
