Christmas Time

Happy Holidays from the Elora Label Company

Hello All –

How did it get to be December 10th – just 15 days till Christmas! It is so wonderful to see the excitement of the holidays (Santa) on my children’s faces. I cannot stop watching “The Polar Bear Express” with them – it such a cute Holiday film. My other favorites are “It’s a Wonderful Life” – (just love that one -It gets me everytime I need to pull out the kleenex box. Chevy Chase is another fav. with his crazy lights on the house and the burning Christmas tree.

SO bahh humbug I guess I say to myself when I get into the car and all I hear on the radio is Jingle Bells and Silent Night. Thank God for the words to the songs I received in the flyer the other day to the Christmas Classics ( my daughter who is 6 & I where singing up a storm on the weekend).

With all the hustle and bustle is really is a wonderful time of year – next year I am going to start shopping earlier, and deck the halls with joy in my heart and a smile on my face because I can see how my children are growing so quickly and soon they will not want to sing with Mom and will be out hanging out at the Mall with their friends.

So to all a Good Night & Happy Holiday – May you find Joy & Happiness in the Tinsel! If you don’t find it there maybe it will be in the chocolate cherries you find in the box under the tree.

We have a great sale on our Labels this Holiday season (December 2012) with 25% off all Packages- (just mention you read this blog!)

Nancy –

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