First Game


Oh my gosh I was so amazed – so proud to be a cheering Momma on the sidelines of my “Little Kicker” playing on the field today! Today was my son Noah`s first official Soccer Game. Well I am not sure if it was a game but oh my I have not had a prouder moment than seeing him out there all on his own doing the `high 5`s to the Teachers (I guess I should use the official name) – Coach`s (Krystal, Sarah & Francis where amazing). He was kicking the ball all around and he didn`t like it when a little team-mate tried to take is hat. He promptly said (yelled) `Hey that`s my hat – don`t touch it!`. Well I guess the other team mates didn`t really like it when Noah was sprinkling his fellow team member with the lovely green grass. He was running down the field collecting the cone (thingys) when all the other where waiting their turn – he made a goal too! (Hooray Noah!) – you are going to be Magnificent……….

I think my little Man is growing up – he was out there without me having the best time! Well he did run in for a drink break and said “OK – I am done!“ (hah)…. OH my heart is swelling with pride and can`t wait to see him progress throughout the weeks to come. My mind was thinking OK what sport can I sign him up next for – (geez) this is first Team Sport – but skating – hockey in the Fall come to mind (mmmm). I could never understand those Hockey Mom`s (now I thinking I just may become one) – Well I guess you could call me a `SOCCER MOM`…. Oh my gosh – not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be so thrilled to have such a title.

“Our Philosophy precedes from the belief that sport is inalienable part of the educational process and factor for promoting peace, friendship, cooperation and understanding of peoples“ – Juan Antonio

This month we are very happy to Partner with (Krystal) at “Little Kickers in Guelph and their New Super Saver Card Program! High Five to Krystal & her Team!

Talk soon ~


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