Just Bubbles


My little Man turned 3 this past weekend! Well we decided like Mom we will celebrate all Month Long (this is the tradition which have been passed down from my Mother, as she loves her Birthday so much she like’s to celebrate all Month long !) – Someone asked him the other day – when is your Birthday and he said “All week Long!”. Mmmm.. he is certainly starting to sound like his Mother. Well he was delighted with his cake, his presents, his balloons. What 3 year old wouldn’t be happy?

One of his favorite gifts is his Nerf shooter gun (this is not Mom’s favorite). Momma doesn’t like the thought of guns for playing but he is always shooting something with his hands or any other object – so Dad said to mom while browsing the isles “Why don’t you get him a Nerf shooter”. Wow that thing really shoots those little pellets (thingy things around). Maybe that is why it is suggested for 8 year olds and not 3 year olds. Well Dad said ok lets not use those “thingy things” and lets use the laser part of the Nerf shooter. Oh my gosh – it is enough to blind you. So luckily we have put it away for now and he seems to be happy with his new little Tool Box – hammering, drilling, doing all the tool box “thingy things”. I was making dinner tonight and he is banging on a piece of wood and not just banging but really banging and Mom said “Hey!” – and there he is in all is glory banging and hammering with his new tools – Ok Mom count to 3 – 1–2–3…. Breath – Breath (That is what my Yoga Teacher told me to do today).

So back to Bubbles…. what a glorious day we had on the weekend playing with yet another one of his many Birthday Gifts……. “Bubbles” – they just make you smile – they float in the air and up – up – up they go. We went for a lovely Sunday drive and where at our favorite Marina and just Blowing Bubbles and smiling. Well Ok there wasn’t so many smiles when Meaghan my daughter was blowing those Fabulous Gigantic Bubbles and Noah running for the Bubbles almost fell into the water near the Dock. I will remember not to get out the bubbles so close to the water next time (or maybe wear a lifejacket – hah!). My favorite part of the day….. was just watching them go into the beatiful blue sky and making a wish to spend many more simple carefree days with my family watching the world go by or maybe just watching the Bubbles!

“In all our quest of greatness, like wanton boys, whose pastime is their care, we follow after bubbles, blown in the air.” ~ John Webster

Talk to you soon ~


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