LUCKY Girl…………..


I am lucky – YES LUCKY! I am feeling grateful today to have such a Healthy Happy Family. Well we are not always Healthy or I guess not Happy all the time either. This last week my 2 kiddlets have been home sick with their MOM. Wow what a busy week looking after the little monkeys indoors in the cold winter months. We have watched movies, played musical intruments with the pots & pans (I have a 2 year old). We have baked, snuggled, giggled and wiggled. I must admit I haven’t been a happy camper all week but I am a grateful camper to know they will be back to their regular little schedules next week, (so will MOM). I am grateful that this Health issue is just a little bump in the road. I am so thankful my kids are Healthy & Happy!

I sent out my first newsletter this week – if you would like a future copy please sign up your email on the homepage of this website and we would be happy to send you our next copy. I wrote a little article about my favorite of houseplants the SHAMROCK Plant. They have the “will to live” they are the hardiest & delicate plant I know. They are my favorite!

Did I mention we have some SAVINGS on our CAMP LABELS for MARCH BREAK! It is not too late to ORDER! Use code LIKEUS for 10%

Talk soon ~


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