New MOMMY Adventures


I remember when my daughter Meaghan was born.  It was one of the most wonderful days of my life.  She arrived 3 weeks early and I was in labour close to 24 hours.  I had the drugs, but they didn’t give them to this mommy until I felt every contraction it seemed.  I was sitting outside early in the morning and my water broke about 6:00 am.  I remember knocking on the window of our bedroom to tell my husband, he said he tought it was going to be about another hummingbird I saw.  Well he got the bird story right, just not the right bird it was the arrival of the stork.

We calmly made our way to the hospital, (or maybe I was the calm one), he was pacing around.  We stopped for a visit to see my parents.  Then on the way I felt the need to get my eyebrows waxed at the salon.  Ok enough said we all have our stories.  When Meg’s was born I called her MEAGHAN (this was spelled under a drug induced state – but I still like her beautiful name it is just a little tricky to spell for others at times.)

Does anyone ever tell you the ups & downs a new Mom feels int that first month or two?  I think there is a secret club somewhere.  They just shake their heads and nod because they know , they don’t tell you in the beginning but they just know.  I think if you knew all of the ups and downs in that first year I am not sure there would be as many babes born.  One of my saving graces was getting together with my “baby group”.  We were all in this new unknown territory together and we somehow seemed stronger together fumbling around with our new little people.

My first year was like most new Mom’s ( I am talking that first baby adventure).  I have another little babe, but that is another story left for another time.  I think having that first baby just changes your whole, entire world for the better (it just might not seem like it at the time.)  Meaghan was a beautiful little baby.  My Mom said “She must have sat in the barber’s chair with her Dad and had her hair cut, she looked just like him.  And those feet they were huge (her Dad has a size 13 shoe).  Yep my Dad commented, “She had her Dad’s big Clobbers”.

Ok Mom’s to be if you are reading this and wondering what it will be like.  Yep the secret Mom’s club is shaking and nodding their heads they know.  You will be tested like no other experience.  Your body feels like an alien, your mind will be zoned out, and your emotions will be a roller coaster (just ask my family).  Well this was just my experience and maybe the Mom’s club is nodding yep…… So if you are a new Mom hang on and get ready for the best ride of your life.  You will be OK, and you will love that little bundle like you have never loved in your life.  You will be tired, happy, tired, thrilled, delighted, tired, cyring, tired and “Over the Moon”, maybe orbited into another world like I was.  But we call that world Motherhood!


Talk soon ~







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