Puddle Jumping

I posted this picture of “Puddle jumping” on my Facebook page today – with the caption “When was the last time you did that – go for it!” – This picture made me smile immediately on this glum rainy morning. We must remember to be childlike in our days. With all the faced paced moving of life – we need to stop – and maybe smell the flowers (well really there are not a lot of flowers right now) – or go jump in a puddle. Boots are a good idea – if not go for it get those shoes wet.

Here is a great quotes which sums up my thoughts. “Great is the man who has not lost his childlike heart” ~ Mencious

Well gotta go my little guy just got up – and it is ready to start the day! He is yelling (mumma) for me…. OH I love that little man and that little voice – so much for quiet time.

Talk to you soon!


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